
Step 1 - Pick a site for your pond

We picked a site in our backyard close to the rock wall. This site will help with our plans for the next step of our backyard pond the addition of a waterfall.

Step 2 - Start digging

My son starts to dig the main section of the pond the depth for this was close to 4 feet. If you are going to winter any fish you will want to have it at least this deep.

Step 3 - Dig 3 levels

Your finished pond should look like this when you are done digging. Main pond area 3 - 4 feet deep, a second level that is approximately 18 inch's wide and 10 inches high. This will be for any plants you might want to sit under the surface of the pond. The third level is for the pond liner. You will place your large stones on this level to hold the liner in place.

Step 4 - Place the carpet underlay in the bottom of the pond

Place a protective lining in the pond, we used old carpet underlay you could use old carpet to if you have some lying around. The important thing to remember is to remove any small sharp rocks from the bottom and sides of your pond.

The lining will help to protect your pond liner the last thing you need is a sharp stone puncturing your liner. If that happens you will be on a never ending search to find out were the leak is in your pond.

Step 5 - Install pond liner

Once you have your protective lining in place you can place your pond liner over top of the opening of your pond. Make sure you have enough overlap extending out past the edge of your pond at least 48 inches. You will see why this is important once you start to fill the pond.

If you pond is 48 inches deep then when you fill the pond it will pull the liner that deep into the pond so the extra liner will be needed.

Step 6 - Fill pond with water

Finally the pond is ready to be filled, slowly fill the pond to the desired level. It is a good idea to wait a day or two before you trim the pond liner it will tend to settle a bit as the liner works it way into any nooks and cranny's of the pond shape.

You will then be able to trim the pond liner. You can either cut the excess away of tuck it under the edge of the pond.

Step 7 - Create waterfall section

The next step involves placing the upper pond liner to create the waterfall. The liner can be help in position with larger rocks to help keep it from moving around.